Conference & Workshop

4th Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering (NSGE)

1) Event Date:

30 November to 2 December 2021

2) Conference Thame:

Innovation in Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering – For Resource, Energy, Infrastructure, Environment & Sustainable Development

3) Topics Submission:

1.0 Methods:

1.1 Seismic methods (Active & Passive) -reflection, refraction, surface waves, etc

1.2 Microseismic monitoring

1.3 Potential field methods (gravity, magnetic)

1.4 Electric, IP, EM, MT, MRS and NMR Methods

1.5 Ground-Penetrating Radar

1.6 Other geophysical methods - radiometry, thermal, photometry, muion, etc

1.7 Remote sensing

1.8 Borehole logging, borehole to surface, cross-hole and tomographic methods

1.9 Geophysical modelling and inversion

1.10 Integrated approaches in near-surface geosciences and geoengineering

1.11 Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

1.12 New technologies in sensors, equipment and digitalization (Cloud computing, IoT, AI/ML, Big data)

2.0 Application Areas:

2.1 Geosciences for human settlement and infrastructure development

2.2 Geohazards and mitigation

2.3 Geoscience for near surface Mineral Exploration and Mining

2.4 Petroleum exploration – improving deep images by understanding near-surface

2.5 Shallow marine geosciences

2.6 Geosciences for Forensic Investigation, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

2.7 Geothermal Exploration

2.8 Agricultural, Medical and Environmental Geosciences

2.9 Geotechnical Engineering: testing, investigation, data analysis

2.10 Offshore wind energy, near-shore/seabed characteristics investigation

2.11 New and Green Energy Resource

4) Call for Abstract is now open: